MC Building Chemicals
MC are Europe’s leading manufacturers in resin injection technology and have a range of environmentally friendly injection resins to stabilise poor / un-compacted ground, lift floor slabs and generally increase ground bearing capacity.
MC are Europe’s leading manufacturers of resin injection technology and have a range of polymer resins for all types of ground improvement. Typical problems include ground stabilisation of poor un-compacted sub-soils that can be made into a cohesive stable medium and remove the need for deep excavations.
Advantages of our system include:
· No need to dewater during the works
· Equipment is portable and lightweight
· All resins are low viscosity allowing penetration that is inaccessible to traditional cementitious grouts
· Resins are environmentally friendly
MC-Building Chemicals utilise a unique lance installation / extraction system where the lances are initially hammered down to the correct depth, then during the extraction the polymer resin is continuously pumped ensuring the perfect ground fill is achieved. This new extraction technique is significantly more accurate in product placement ensuring perfect results every time.
Client: Network Rail
Historic tin mine workings are a common problem in the south-west and on one particular location old workings were identified and as a precaution deep resin injected prior to overslabbing with concrete.
The repair solution involved high pressure injection of our environmentally friendly polymer resin down to a depth of 12m and a continuous fill to ground level effectively ensuring the ground had been fully structurally enhanced prior to concrete overslabbing.
Geotechnical testing was carried out on the improved ground with the client proceeding with concrete overslabbing safe in the knowledge that any voids had been completely filled.